Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Law Students Flunk Academic Freedom 101 - Wendy Kaminer

Law Students Flunk Academic Freedom 101 - Wendy Kaminer. I needed Tylenol after reading this. I'm not sure if it is a symptom of academia or lawyers or both, but this is out of hand. Freedom of speech being thrown out the window by those who want freedom of expression? Human rights law expert who is anti-gay? The contradictions are outstanding.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Folly of Obamacare offers a view on the "right" of healthcare. Goldberg's assertion is off, though. Even if President considers healthcare a right, he is constitutionally allowed to limit it. Healthcare is not a right protected by the Constitution. Obamacare is definitely a thinly-veiled plan to move health care in the USA towards socialized medicine ala the National Health Service in England without the privately-insured safety valve that the UK has.